Tuesday, December 23, 2008




one breath and we are why
one breath and we are how

one breath and we go further
one breath and we last longer

one breath and we feel deeper
one breath and we grow higher

one breath and we burn brighter
one breath and we light one another


Now I think I understand a little further what needs to occur for complete rest and recovery to take place within all aspects of our bodies. It's definitely a journal type of thing, so we'll leave it at that.

Being snowed in the last few days has been an absolute gift. The fire, the snow, the silence . . .

I found the guitar. We have been learning each other this evening & last.

Guitar strings are bigger than violin strings.

Rest well.


Sue said...

A Merry Merry Christmas sent your way. Enjoy the snow...we are playing in it everyday...
Sue from beautiful CDA, Id

stevo said...

Thanks Sue! Hope you enjoyed your Holiday's. The snow was great fun with the dogs.

Have a great year!