Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Today was a comfortable day. We started with a comfortable swim, followed by a comfortable run, and finished with a comfortable bike.

I was relieved to hear that our 4 x 400 drafting set was modified to a "moderate" pace. Moderate feels good. It can be a challenging effort to understand, definitely not easy, and far from hard. It's a pace where you do some work, and feel good the entire way through. It's a perfect opportunity to work on some techincal aspects of our sport with a little bit of moderate speed. Moderate is pretty cool once you start to know her. I think she may be a second cousin to Buzz.

Next is core. Nothing beats core on the U of A pool deck in the sun. I noticed some of the swim teams goals posted on the wall. More on this later, I just need a reminder for next time.

Easy run through the U of A campus, lunch, and it's bike time.

This afternoon was the first time I have really felt comfortable with Sugar Cane. Something clicked. I can remember the exact place and moment in time. Descending a small hill we made a left hand turn, sharp right still descending, slight left, and up a small rise. As I made my way out of the saddle still in the drops, upper body over the bars, it happened. Smooth riding, just doing the dance.

Nice 3hr spin with 4 x 10 minutes building from steady to tempo 1.

Rest well.

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