Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My o' My, I like pie.

Two quotes from Swim Master Harvey this morning.

The first one happened right before our last 300 of a 4 x 300 drafting set. "Here's a quote I want you guys to think about as you swim this last one:"
-The human species has survived on this planet because of our ability to overcome pain.

This was a little different than the usual subtle hints which make you think and WORK. Every now and then Neil pulls out the black and white. This is how it is. Wickedly Awesomeness.

I had a little chuckle over the second quote. Our cool down was to be a "Buzzzzz cool down." To me this sounded like an oxymoron. How can we cool down with a buzz set? Who cares; just swim it, and the why will come after you've finished. Sure enough, the why was waiting for us 600m later.

Frequency run (nice 35 minuter), snag some grub from PacSport (thank you), operation hugification (weights to the eXtreme), 30 minute nap in the athlete resource room (comfortable couch), bike (6 x observatory with some accelerations from the 2nd speed bump), and yoga with Elizabeth. Sweetness.

Now I am seriously considering walking over to Safeway, purchasing a pie, and eating it (all).

Great day.
Rest well.

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