Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sagittal Slice. Longitudinal Dice.

Just like that there's a new way to slice onions.

The number of flat tires repaired must be somewhat comparable to the number of onions diced in the past 10 years.  Neither task is more or less enjoyable.  They're both just part of the fun.  Both create an opportunity for excitement to come.  What roads lie ahead, and how might they smell?

It probably took well over 200 onions before the current method arrived.  Ends - off.  Down the longitudinal - 1/2 ed.  Knife under skin.  Peeled.  Sagittal slice.  Longitudinal Dice.  Done.

Tricks of the trade.

Jalapeno's rear wheel method.  Lowest gear.  Brake undone.  Quick release loosened.  Wheel off.  Shrapnel search.  Tire off to side.  Tube out.  Shrapnel search & removal.  Breath of air in new tube.  New tube in.  Tire on - lever points high.  Pump.  Assemble.  Spin.  Pedal.

What happens when that pesky valve stem bunches the tube creating a bulge in the tire right by the stem?  Tire, please fit in the grooves!

Release some air.  Push the stem in towards the tire.  In place.  Pump.  Pedal.

New trick of the trade learned today.

Rest well.

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