Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Buddha Bowl

Buddha Bowl Breakfast: Oatmeal, with an assortment of nuts, berries, & seeds from the divinely delicious deep dining drawer.

Buddha Bowl Dinner: Rice noodles, sauted capiscum, garlic, onion, tofu, salsa, & of course PB. Yes it's different, & yes it's delicious!

I love the Buddha Bowl. Thank you!

Rest well.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Gift space

Deep inside we find that place. Some call it the dark place, or that dig deep space. We hear of this place, a space we can go only few times a season. A space we learn to travel, just when it counts.

How about floating deeper? I like floating much more than digging. Digging sounds hard. Floating sounds easy.

How do you dig up? If we practice, we can float deep.

We can simultaneously float up, and float deep. We connect the deep place to the high space by floating deep.

Float deep to the gift space. Float to the limitless space inside. Float to the place where we find the limitless gifts to share.

Float deep to the gift space.

Rest well.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Carrot Parsnip Pie

Home again, Home again. We're back from the mainland, well rested, with all the cracks full of game hens, turkey, and carrot parsnip pie.

Thanks you game hens, turkey, and parsnip carrot pie. You made meals most delicious, filling in this December's cereal and soy milk cracks.

Thank you to our gracious hosts, cooks, and company. You made the holiday most comfortable.

Thank you for the nice drive & ride. Thank you for the warm bed. Thank you for the nice music. Thank you for the delicious dinner. Thank you for the nutritious conversation. Thank you for the sleep in. Thank you for the phone's off button. Thank you for the granola. Thank you for the walk. Thank you for the snacks. Thank you for vegetables. Thank you for the warm clothes. Thank you for more nutritious conversation. Thank you for the drink of sparkly water. Thank you for the lights. Thank you for the tea. Thank you for the walk. Thank you for teaching me new games. Thank you for the nice drive & ride. Thank you for the sunshine.

Rest well.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Follow the Sun

Amidst the perfect chaos everything stops. I find myself riding home from swim #2 along Blanshard street.

The wind is blowing the right direction, perhaps with a little help from the slow leak in my back tire.

Lights change, cars drive, and commuters fly. I'm smiling with the the comforting knowledge that there's just one more to go. Just one more swim before 2 days of rest. Complete rest. The most restful kind of rest.

A little darker, then suddenly light as the sun begins to set. One more spectacular glimpse, before she decides it time for bed.

Dinners done & I'm off to follow the Sun.

Rest well.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Oven Fresh . . .

Pick a style, any style. New style, freestyle, old style, fresh style, . . . Just pick a styl'n style. After all, you know what the "S" stands for.

New style freestyle is the choice style. It's the hot out of the oven style. The trick is to keep it new style, even when the old style seems so much more styl'n.

What's the new style again? Oh yeah, I remembered it the other day, or was I dreaming it the night before.

New style sets in smoothly at 67 / min. 67 sounds styl'n. We'll keep it 67.

New style is the fresh style, & fresh is best, so just be sure to let the dough rest.

Rest well that is.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Lesson # 396

It's good to feel great!

Despite mostly thoughtfully provoked resistance, some lessons seem to resurface time and time again. Whether it be through our own intuition, coaches input, or friends concern, these are the ones which seem to have the greatest influence on change in habit. They are after all, just that which we are learning to let go.

Let go of the resistance, let go of the habit.

This time around, it's feeling good about feeling great.

Is it ok to feel great? Am I allowed to feel good? Can I feel good about feeling great?

The answer is an unwavering YES!

What does it feel like to race? It's easy! Let go & make yourself comfortable.

Now it's time to feel the air move a little faster. What's beyond? What comes next? There must be something. Have an adventure. Go see what's next. Just remember it's good to feel great!

Rest well.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

vega jars

Push off and the race is on. What can I say . . . Racing is just plain fun.

Nice one Mike!

Today we found a use for the old Vega Jars.

4 more swim styl'n days & we're off to the Mainland for some Christmas feasting.

Rest well.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Horses . . .

6 days into the swim camp spectacular, and tomorrow we have TT numbero uno.

Word has it that Mix Master Mike Neil will be swimming. You know how the sailing story goes. When there's two boats in the water, it's always a race!

Check out the hull on this beauty:

She looks fast on paper, but wait 'till you see the horses we'll have strapped to 'er this summer.

Rest well.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Learning is fun.

Double swim, double nap, night ride, and a super cool reflecto vest.

I have discovered the night ride. We used to roller ski in the dark all through the fall, so with 6 sleeps until this years Winter Solstice, I'm back to the night ride.

Rollers are awesome, trainers are great, but night rides are the ultimate. They're especially ultimate when it's raining. The ultimate factor grows even more when you throw in single leg drills, big ring, up hill in both directions.

That was yesterday.

Today I learned something in the pool. It's the catch and roll.

I've always heard of the catch, and perhaps even experienced it on occasion. It took me a while to learn which way to roll. Now that one's clear.

Today I realized that as you catch, you begin to roll! (I think)

It sounds simple, but honestly I've been thinking about the two separately.

"Start your catch earlier! You're missing all that water!"

"Roll more! You're swimming flat!"

Ok. Catch . . . (then?) . . . (and?) . . . Roll.

I must have been told this a thousand times by very patient pairs of concerned coaching eyes. But as with everything, it takes a subjective understanding to drift through cerebellum, and settle to the cerebrum.

As you catch, begin your roll.

Those beeps are pretty far apart. What shall I do with my arms during all this time?

Did those beeps spontaneously come closer together? Still beating on 1:00.

Funny how the beeps seem closer when there's more to do.

Learning is fun.

Rest well.

Friday, December 11, 2009

tic . . . talk

Tic, Tic, Tic . . . The neon yellow numbers are turning over as I swing the legs. A purple sleeping bag, draped over a Holstein suit holds a layer of warm air close around the body, relaxed and ready to race.

This time it's a pairs start time trial. The plan is to go faster than fast the first K, & drop my partner. I know I race well on my own.

Tic, Tic, Tic . . . Although it's a partner start, for the next 15K, the tic is all that matters.

Each tic is only there for that tic. By the time you've thought of that tic, it's passed. It's left the present behind, evaporated into the past, leaving room for a future tic to talk.

. . . 24, 25, 26, beep, beep, beep, go.

Today this is the only tic, where the sunrise will talk this toc.

In this moment, it's easy to watch a clock stop.

Rest well.