Sunday, December 27, 2009

Carrot Parsnip Pie

Home again, Home again. We're back from the mainland, well rested, with all the cracks full of game hens, turkey, and carrot parsnip pie.

Thanks you game hens, turkey, and parsnip carrot pie. You made meals most delicious, filling in this December's cereal and soy milk cracks.

Thank you to our gracious hosts, cooks, and company. You made the holiday most comfortable.

Thank you for the nice drive & ride. Thank you for the warm bed. Thank you for the nice music. Thank you for the delicious dinner. Thank you for the nutritious conversation. Thank you for the sleep in. Thank you for the phone's off button. Thank you for the granola. Thank you for the walk. Thank you for the snacks. Thank you for vegetables. Thank you for the warm clothes. Thank you for more nutritious conversation. Thank you for the drink of sparkly water. Thank you for the lights. Thank you for the tea. Thank you for the walk. Thank you for teaching me new games. Thank you for the nice drive & ride. Thank you for the sunshine.

Rest well.

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