Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dig in.

Food is our celebration. It's our celebration of creation, care, and cultivation. It's a celebration we share together, and Sunday evenings are one of my favourite nights to celebrate.

This Fall we are sharing our home with the turnips, in a little hole in the ground. The turnips, carrots, & parsnips all make their home here in the Fall. They know this routine better than most.

Imagine how many generations of carrots have made their Autumn home in the ground. They must know what they're doing.

From here, it looks and feels like there is a perfect Sunday evening fire gently roasting our dinner.

Warm all around. Lemon, thyme, and rosemary, smell in the air. Only the oven light to illuminate our room, and of course my favourite album of all time . . . Live at Luther College.

Dig in & enjoy the celebration.

Rest well.

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