Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Game, Set, Match . . .

. . . & I'm ready for my bath.

A beautiful byproduct of biking are the bountiful roads on which we ride. There are so many. Each of us have our favourites. A perfect ride on the perfect day to make the perfect workout. Some days call for an easy waterfront spin, others a highlands adventure.

The Fall calls Muddy cyclocross. Royal Roads . . . Camosun . . . Finlayson Arm?

The Winter calls Snowy hike-a-bike style cyclocross. Harbourview . . . Jack Lake . . . Crabapple Lake?

We're into spring, and onto racing. Summer calls for the Okanogan, so I suppose Spring calls for Okanogan prep.

I remember my first official Long Course bike interval set last October, 3 x 30 minutes @ goal race pace. I thought, "That's 90 minutes of pace work!"

Comfortably perched on a borrowed bike from Mike, we were off. Three hours later we were home.

Today we revisited the set, this time on a Jazz styled charriot.

"Have a good set dude!"

Oh yeah, we're about to do a set. This is more than just a ride. We're doing a set! If we're doing a set, that means racing is just around the corner. It's a Long Course set too. This stuff is cool.

Nice set. Nice ride. Hard Core. Smooth Swim.

Rest well.

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