Friday, November 28, 2008

mirrored goggles . . .


This is what is right now.

When we are in training mode, it is easy to slip into the future with a flurry of fear based questions. The most common concern: "What will be the future implication of this action or reaction?"

A slight tickle in the throat, a twinge here, a twitch there; these are things to be aware of, but only in an awareness sense, and without fear.

"I went 2 seconds longer on that 100m repeat!" "My HR is 3 beats higher for the same effort!"

These are things which as professionals we are aware of. Also as professionals, we are only aware, and not emotionally attached.

It is just as so in racing. We are consciously aware with 100% of our bodies. We act based on both the race around us, and the race within us.

On our race reflection we pause, reflect, and maintain our sense of knowing where we are, right now. Now we further pursue our aspiration through the inner and outer race.


Yesterday I was watching Kitten. She is here, & I can feel a give and take.

We will give her some food, water, & a warm place to sleep. I'm sure she would be just fine surviving outside, but she chooses to accept these gifts & stay with us.

I can feel a giving from both sides. She is definitely giving something.

Other than a new pair of tubular tires, mirrored goggles, or a swim suit, what could it be?

She is giving something that feels good, something that could easily fill up the house without taking up any space.

Thanks Kitten.

Rest well.

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