Monday, August 11, 2008


Well, It's a marvelous day; it's a marvelous night. A day and night to walk through the doors of perception.

It's looking 2/3 full tonight and totally bright.

A while ago I was given a great piece of advice regarding some knee issues. The conversation went a little something like this: "My knee has been soar for a little while." "Well, you had better deal with that."

Awesome. Deal with that. Figure it out. Exactly what I needed to hear. It's a matter of actively dealing with it.

The body is great at dealing with things, maintaining homeostasis, keeping things steady and on the level. There's a certain amount of energy within the body which is delegated accordingly.

There are however, infinite sources of energy within the Universe which can be used by the body. We can choose to connect and direct. This goes for both the energy within and the energy without.

Choose to direct, and deal with that. It's an active allowing action.

We have had some outstanding training over the past few days. Our coaches have done an phenomenal job this year preparing us. We are fit, we are fast, we are healthy, we are happy and we are ready to race.

Friday was one of the best days ever. Sweet swim in the morning, of the drafting variety. I had fun toying with the inner swimmer, teasing and coaxing him/her out for a play.

Frequency run with the A-Russ. Perfect planning for the final track workout. Let's make the alpha motor neurons fired up and ready to go.

The track workout was sweet. As it was our last one of the year, it finished shirtless and sockless in the flats. AP as usual, the king of perfect pacing. Wicked awesomeness.

Next was some nice ice in Cadboro Bay, keeping eyes peeled for the Cadborosaurus of course; followed by an extended ice, which was very nice.

Thanks for a great day.

Saturday was our final T1 swim practice in Durrance. I am definitely looking forward to swimming there when the pools close. My taper began a little early, with a shout out to Steve Keeler. Thanks for the sewing lesson.

On Saturday night, the Jazz man and I reinvented the Olympics in a totally crazy, totally cool way. Just about every sport has a twist. Laughing is great.

The taper continued on Sunday and recovery really started to happen around 11:30am.

Today we were back in the pool and I'm just about off for class #3.

Salsa a Chili con Crosso Bikeo

Rest well.

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