Monday, April 11, 2011

Sunburns and Growing Pains.

Nearly two weeks ago the plane started to rumble and shake. It was dark outside, visibility about one foot. Flight attendants were seated and all passengers were buckled in. Tray tables and seats were in their upright and locked position. I had "OceanWaves" playing over a background of GKilshaw designed binaural beats.

Head tilting. Eyes closing, closing, closed. Mind exploring. Let the beats do their business.

Eyes opening, opening, alert. What's all this light?

That's sunshine! I had forgotten about sunshine.

We just had to break through the clouds. And to think that all this time the sun was still hanging out above the clouds.

Nearly 11 years ago I crawled into the top bunk and lay down.

Knees aching, shoulders stretching, body breaking & rebuilding.

Eyes closing, closing, closing . . .

Why do we have growing pains? . . . I guess it's just part of growing.

Eyes closing, closing, closing . . . closed. Let the body do it's business.

The sun can burn and growing pains can hurt, but sunburns mean sun & growing pains mean growing.

Aloe vera for the sunburn (in hindsight SPF 100+ beforehand) & allow the growing pains to help you grow.

Home soon.

Rest well.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Henny tried to steal my eggs

From without we experiment with and experience desire. From within we experiment with allow.

Deep within there lies burning desire to perform, desire to expand, surpass, and express; however, in the moment desire can compress, restrict, and restrain.

Desire can congest, cloud, and confuse, or desire can be the fire which lifts a burning coal. Desire can propel a new spark, an allowance to be, a blazing fire to become.

To balance desire we have trust, trust in one's Self, trust in one's ability, trust in one spark to start a new fire.

From within we balance desire with trust.


There's just one more day in beautiful Oceanside California before shipping out to the South East Coast.

Many thanks to the Lawes Family here in San Elijo hills.

Spencer had a sweet sub 6h performance on the weekend - Congrats mate! Galveston still has spots open :) Bohdi showed me how to keep just about everything in the house in working order - Thanks pal! Josh bailed on his bmx & has some serious road rash - Wicked cool! Luna licked my face while I was getting a massage - dog slobber has extreme healing properties! Henny tried to steal my breakfast - better luck next time! And Debbie calmly keeps the clan smoothly running all the while!

Sunshine is awesome.

Rest well.